North Idaho News
A wonderful place to liveBecause I am busy and do not always have the time to reach out to each of my contacts personally as often as I would like I started sending a monthly update in May of 2009 as a way of keeping in touch and to offer helpful information. Here are links to those Newsletters as they appeared at the time. Please note that some of my contact information has changed since the early issues and that using the links in the newsletters will navigate you away from my site. Please enjoy and use these cached pages as reference!

January Newsletter * Happy New Year! * Check out My Listings: Home with Schweitzer Views on 42 acres * Vintage Farm in Selle Valley * 40 acres bordering state land * 5 parked out acres * Short Sale-5acres w/frame 4bed2.5bath-$129000! * 21 schweitzer view...

December Newsletter * Happy Holidays! * Check out My Listings: Home with Schweitzer Views on 42 acres * Vintage Farm in Selle Valley * 40 acres bordering state land * 5 parked out acres * Short Sale-5acres w/frame 4bed2.5bath-$149000! * 21 schweitzer view...

September Newsletter
My Residential Listings * My Land Listings * Investment Property * If you do not see what you need here call, I have access to unlisted properties and everything offered on the Multiple Listing Service! * KristinaKingsland.comCome see the...

October Newsletter
My Residential Listings * My Land Listings * Investment Property * If you do not see what you need here call, I have access to unlisted properties and everything offered on the Multiple Listing Service! * KristinaKingsland.comPlanning on a...

June Newsletter
Check out My Listings: Beautiful acreage outside Clark Fork * 10 acre Farm just North of Sandpoint * Waterfront Home on the Clark Fork River * 1.4 acres and a 2 bed 2 bath home very close to Sandpoint * Spirit Lake Home with Shop * Custom Home on 22 acres 10 miles...

April Newsletter * Check out My Listings: Home with Schweitzer Views on 42 acres * Vintage Farm in Selle Valley * 40 acres bordering state land * Home with Shop in Spirit Lake * Short Sale-5acres 4bed2.5bath-$108,000! * 20 schweitzer...

February Newsletter * Happy Valentines Day! * Check out My Listings: Home with Schweitzer Views on 42 acres * Vintage Farm in Selle Valley * 40 acres bordering state land * 5 parked out acres * Short Sale-5acres w/frame 4bed2.5bath-$129000! * 21 schweitzer view...

August Newsletter
Check out My Listings: Beautiful acreage outside Clark Fork * 10 acre Farm just North of Sandpoint * Waterfront Home on the Clark Fork River * 1.4 acres and a 2 bed 2 bath home very close to Sandpoint * Custom Home on 22 acres 10 miles North of Sandpoint * 10 acres...

July Newsletter
Check out My Listings: Beautiful acreage outside Clark Fork * 10 acre Farm just North of Sandpoint * Waterfront Home on the Clark Fork River * 1.4 acres and a 2 bed 2 bath home very close to Sandpoint * Spirit Lake Home with Shop * Custom Home on 22 acres 10 miles...